I ve been living in Chennai ever since i was born.I respect this city and have seen it change over the years.Since i have not lived anywhere else this is the place that i ve seen transformation ,all thanks to the
Whatever revolution!!they call it;)
On a serious note is it a good thing that happened to,not only this city but to us as a country??
okay !its good
It gave us jobs,a reason to fly across all over the globe,Live a dream in some cases,
extreme freedom,more money!(that should ve been on top of the list)
It basically took us to another level not without any damages.Am not being pessimistic here.
The first was a Crazy turn of crowds towards the industry,killing a lot more Educational courses offered.Everyone wanted to be an engineer(any dept would do the trick coz they need truckloads of ppl thats how they recruit every year from campuses).But what happened to those who did not want to do the RAT RACE and be themselves ,but for a few we never gave most of them any jobs....so.....people waited to catch a bus to neverland that seemed the only option to survive "The O's in the market".
Crazy money that started to spin around and make people act like complete maniacs!
All Malls and sooper markets ...where we all shop all day with SOOPER POWER!
what are we shopping for!!we dont know!we have MONEY! man !ALL IN CAPS...so who cares!!
we all bought cars....to send in more monoxides of carbon in to the air,
we have not left a bit of land for a tree to grow....we need more buildings(okay the population is growing but thats not it...everybody wants the same piece of land in the HEART OF THE CITY any city!!or anything that even looks like a city).
People have no time for anything in their world!not for family,not for friends,not even themselves!
Most places of education have become some kind of manufacturing units that prepares anybody and everybody(devoid of attention to special talents,the kids forget it themselves in the mad rush) to cater to the Monster industry.
People have come to a conlusion that MONEY CAN GET THEM anything they want!!
We may have come a long way.....sporting big brands,flashing our status...but still we get more dowry coz the hyper intelligent groom would not marry without it!inspite of his exposure to the WEST from where he borrows everything else...but not an open mind.
Kids are the focus of most of the marketing done here...we ve taught them how to cry for everything they want , thanks to all the non-stop TV commercials selling every damn thing!
so kids in today's society are robbed of their innocent childhood.
The happening crowd thinks talkin and walkin with a slang dose it all...who are u faking....only u!!
This inflow of money has done remarkable things is many other essentials for survival.But has ,for sure deepened the separation between the rich and the poor!the dying farmers are just news material,coz we are more interested in knowing which celebrity is with whom!!!!!
These few points which i remembered while writing may seem so disconnected to the so called Whatever revolution but u ve got to connect the dots.......may be its not the industry may be its the money may be its something else...may be this is what we call growth.....chaos is indeed growth!!
I do believe in the fact that there are people who still exist walking their own paths not succumbing to the straightened hair syndrome(he he!!!thats my nick name for everyone who wants to be the SAME ONE)making a difference,showing the rest not just to be in the herd ! I pray for more of such independent people to rise for they are the ones who live their lives to the fullest....
Disclaimer: All of these are just observations of things happening around,in this society.