Another year more year older ...(obviously..!) far as its just cakes and gifts and fun its fine...
this " age" part really sucks...!!!!cant do anything abt it....
someone at work asked how old are u now.....i said 15 :P
Didnt go to work (hurray!!) instead went to temple with Mom and Dad...then watched a movie PASANGA was a cute movie laughed my heart out!!!was too cute( i know ve already mentioned it but it was much better than those stupid formula movies...).
After movie had no plans but to grab something to eat (pavam hungry stomach was begging)...went to the food court...then ended up screaming with surprise seeing my sweet friends there :) was a great surprise :) bijya and antenna!! :)
Then 2 days later ppl had organised their usual ceremony!!!.
Trust me most of the time it so bloody resembles a bad play where everyone recites memorised dialouges!!!!thought i had escaped my turn since i was on leave!!!
The cake was nice!!i was hungry pretending not to know all that was going around me(collecting money ....buying gift.... entry with cake...)
My sweet friend and a senior made it easy for me :)
The gifts were sweet and ceremony unusually turned to be a nice one :)
Hoping to do some new things this time around... :)