Finally it rained in chennai!!!!
Its been sooo..... long since the rain gods have been good to Chennai.It poured n poured for two days, last week.The city really seemed to have enjoyed the rains which have been kept us waiting for so long.It was a welcome relief from Mr.Sun.
It brought back memories of the fun n frolic we used to have during the rains!.The schools r closed ,u get to play away ,make paper boats,basically have tonnes of fun!.
Though i had to go to college on one of these days the sight of the birds,the beautiful colors of the trees(the various shades of green with a dazzle!),water droplets on the blades of grass that can put a diamond to shame! was really a feast for the eyes.
Our campus is kind of a butterfly sanctuary !!!believe me u get to look at some most amazing color combinations that no fashion designer can even imagine!!!.And with a brilliant green background(thanks to the grass family!)these butterflies just mesmerize u !!!!!.
Its natures own "FASHION SHOW!".
These small things around us may seem trivial (like a harworking ant ,a small plant)but they can give u so much joy n pleasure .And believe me its really more complex and interesting than we can think of!!!!
New to blogging??? and from Chennai!!!
Rain are sure fun...do hop on my blog too, have a similar blog, i mean a similar posting!!!
thats cool!!
i guess people of chennai realllllly know how good it is feels when it rains!!!its always a welcome change from the damn heat!!
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