You suddenly think you know the person.....and the next moment they appear to you as a complete stranger!
There are some who open up instantly and share things easily,some who are a bit reserved and take some time to actually talk!,the extreme form is someone who is really a tough nut to crack!(the ones who really are tight lipped n mysterious n .....basically the tough one's!!).
we almost spend half our lives trying to know people around and the rest half...maybe in trying to know our own self!
Any place ..be it work or study or u name it....its the people who make it HELL or HEAVEN!
Not every one can become a psychiatrist......it's just,i guess a matter of time you spend ..to really understand the person that helps!But it is a must knowing few important things about the person you are gonna, say....work with or whatever.It really makes a difference.
Any relationship .......for survival calls for complete understanding of the other person!now that's what all of us know....one more component that's also equally important is Mutual Respect.We must respect the feelings of the fellow being to really love them!
In a relationship any "Big Fight " really can get over....and peace could be brought back...but its the small little things that hurt feelings and inflicts a lot of pain that triggers more aggressive reactions.
its really mind boggling to imagine that your own friend , lover , anyone you know....... is a more complex bundle of emotions and feelings and beliefs.........that ,you can never be too sure and say....................." oh! i know him/her ! "
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