jus thought of a few first's....!in my life....
the first time i saw my little brother sit up when he was a small kid.....(the joy that came knew no bounds!)
the first time i made tea for my parents!
the first time i rode a bicycle(and miserably crashed in to a bush!)
the first time i read a science fiction("a journey to the center of the earth" by jules verne)
the first time i watched a romantic movie!(one fine day!)
the first time i won a few medals on a sports day in school(remember wearing it all the way home...from the stadium!)
the first time i participated in a debate in school....(man!it was terrifying....forgot my lines!!)
the first day in my new school....leaving behind my second home(my lovely old school!)
the first time i travelled alone in a public transport!
the first day in college...
the first time i bunked classes...
the first day when i took my friend for a ride on my bike....she was so excited!
my first crush.....
the first time me n my friend met....(after so many years of studying together, rediscovering the affection for each other)
there are so many more things...that, till date remain in our hearts as evergreen memories...never to be forgotten...some good ones ..some bad ones..
the bad ones are just a lesson and the key to more n more good things to come!
so remember the good ones......they are the basis of many big things to come in future!
hey happy birthday! i am just a random stranger passing by! cool blog! haha..
i cud think of a lot more..
first time i teased u with vijyakant..
first time i teased u with mansoor ali khan..
first time i teased u with napolean..
first time i called u a rapist..
First time others called u mama :-)
priya...have a heart!!
hey dat was a lovely piece of writing........... loved it
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