Every time i decide not to pay attention to all this..but people just force it on me!.
so i have no choice but to write about all this......things may even look repetitve but...c mon...i need to speak out!!its after all my heart speak!
Sometimes i feel what other people do is somethin very wrong.....but they get away with it!!
you tell them that it is wrong.......and guess what you get ...you are too idealistic!.
worse..even if it a good friend ,if they do something wrong they don't care a damn to talk about it to you!!rather they don't jus have the guts to talk about it.......but jus hold on...in future if they have a problem ..its you who they come to ,with a sob....!!now you are" needed" rather than anything else!!.
The big fight is ,"what is right to you is not the same to me...!",its the most favorite statement used by the ESCAPIST's.
To hell with them....more than anything else be true to yourself...every mistake you do ...you are not cheating any one else but YOU!
There are the one's who act like ...."oh! i am so innocent...i dont even know a,b,c.. in alphabetical order!!"(u know what i mean!),they are the more important character's to look forward to...coz when they change..they do it in style!!.First thing they do is to shun people who ,even taught them that "a",comes first!
There are the other's who PROCLAIM to be diffrerent!!(different in may be spelling "different"!!).But they are more normal and believe me!! more predictable.....
they probably have misunderstood "DIFFERENT".
There are a few who are lost in their own sweet dreamy world.....devoid of any sense of the surroundings.....they are awake only to again go back to their sweet dreamy world!
There are this special kind of people...with kick ass attitude that i really adore.....you be good to me i be good to you.....or else you can go to hell!
I really want to be one of them!!
Go on ...your way....dont let worthless things hinder your wonderful journey ...
don't have to look for people.......you will obviously find the ones that matter to you the most.....on your way!!
Note:All i wanna say is the characters mentioned here exist in reality in flesh and blood in various forms,you come across them at various points in life....so i can't lie that these are fictious characters in my post!!!
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