Wanted to write about this for quite sometime,today found time...
I may have written a lot in my previous posts about the sky.....but it is one thing that has never stopped...my love for the sky...
ever since i was at school ,started having a mind frame of my own..the sky has been something that i always admire..
the sense of freedom i get when i look at the sky.....the feeling of looking at a huuugggggggeeeeeee canavas,the creativity that gets kindled when i look at a bunch of clouds moving back n forth like school kids!
The patterns you see..when you look at the clouds...its like a painting...carefully done....!
the sky looks beautiful..in the evenings with a splash of colors....orange, red, pink....
My college is a place where there r no tall buildings...hindering the view of the sky....so i jus enjoy every moment i get to gape at the sky!
At night....the innocent looking moon..the stars twinkling like a baby's smile!
its jus breathtaking!
its true that u need an eye for beauty....not every one is blessed with it..
beauty not only lies in a few packaged things,its how you see things...
how you see people....they may not exactly be "a so called perfect face" types...but their soul,their heart might jus be the most beautiul one ,a person can ever imagine...
just an open mind,would do the trick!
understanding complicated emotions become easier .....jus an open mind!
it helps us see the beauty in our lives...the beauty around us...the beauty that is eternal!
the sky....my good friend!!forever!:)
"its true that u need an eye for beauty....not every one is blessed with it.."
see.. i know ur talking abt me.. Grrr....
h ah a ha ha ha ha...
honesty thy name is priya!!
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