Wednesday, January 31, 2007


decorative words......plastic smiles........a nice face......!!sells!!!

reality...remains buried always...its never seen...
because real things and real people are simple and visible......
but what we want to see is a branded image.......class act...publicity......

truth is a way that it can sense real feelings of real people.......
aren't we blissfully living in oblivion.....pushing aside the realities in life.......
or is it ...that escapism comes easily.....

ambience of a restaurant rated on a page.......the other side of which speaks about hunger deaths!!is extremes life!!or is jus a simple case of neglect!!

1 comment:

Priya said...

the whole world is built on a fake platform.. fake people and fake relationships.. if ur genuine, ur killed at ur roots .. thats life baby! :)
