The best part of anyone's life would be definitely their childhood.But its really disheartening to see them lose their childhood due to unnecessary pressure to perform by none other than their own parents!.
I get to see lots of kids in my neighborhood, i really feel sorry for them.They do not get to spend any quality "KIDS TIME" at all....
All that they do endlessly is to watch some stupid TV channel coz the mother's feel thats an easy way to tie them to one place!!so when do they get to play!!????really when?
At school,the kid is again treated like some tamed animal,"mug" so much,"vomit" so much,never ever think on your own...So what if the parent wanted to learn dance!!??and couldn't do it , why should the child suffer and end up doing what he/she does not enjoy!?
Again television shows add fuel to the fire , promoting cut- throat competition!a child as small as 5/6 yrs old has to go through a roller coaster of emotions for a dumb competition!Why is it all about winning all the time!
Appreciate creativity,don't be overprotective , let them learn , explore , enjoy this world.
And for heavens sake do not send them to tuitions.
Let them get an opportunity to choose things for themselves.Do not make them zombies who have to come first in everything they do!!And teach them to respect their MOTHER TOUNGE!!
My sweet neighbor tries hard to talk to her children only in english though they study in good schools , and if they by any chance talk in tamil they get a cold stare!!
What are these crazy people trying to prove!
Only once in our lives do we get to be a child ,let them live happily for once!!why do you burden them with all your unfulfilled wants!they are individuals , let them grow up to be a strong one!
instill values , respect for the country, native culture , the environment!
And do not push them to succeed all the time!!
Kids in class X and XII are the worst victims of this stupid society,lesser marks makes one an outcast!!so what if you cannot mug stuff and decorate answer paper!!our system does not value "thinking capacity" anyways!!
SO DUMP the dumb things and let them get a life!!!one filled just with happiness and free thinking with parents as friends and not like a watch dog!!!
totally agree with u!
i wonder how our kids generation will be! *shudders*
yeh its true.. the childhood as it used to be is really dissapearing... wen we used to go to india and visit our cuz's who all lived in flats... every day we used to play kiddy games and have fun in the fun fresh open air... but then... these days even for my younger cuz's such opportunities were gone... a trip to india is nothing else but an opp to watch endless cable channels... its sad seeing the childhood dissapear... i guess thts y i'm still such a kid! :)
yess.. but we may not know whatz the story from parent-point-of-view
anyways, remember this.. when you have kids. offer to babysit/ assistance to your friends & family with kids..
gift books and follow-up to make sure that got its time & attentions.
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