Its been ages .........happy to be back!!
Have always thought how silly people can anybody for that matter!!
No matter what you study,how much your many languages you many wines and cheese names you can still remain the same cheap person!!! :)
Incidentally ready two articles in The Hindu Open Page today on the same lines as to how we judge people by their looks instantly (we ve really taken the 2 minute mantra seriously ,it works for maggie not people!!c mon!)and how kids nowadays do not respect even their own parents as human beings! (reminds me of that ad where the father is like an ATM who walks along with his sonny in a mall!!!! LOL).
Its not like everyone you see and meet is like that but some of them do have those shades of stupidity which they simply cant hide!!Like .....I will talk to / mingle with people who are from the same ....area,community,religion,speak the same language,same status!!!or same level ofstupidity!!! :P(this is excused!! saves others some energy!).
This kind of behavior is carried on to places where you study,work,socialise!!etc etc!!so whats the point on being the uber cool dude and still have the caveman ideology inside your head!! huh!?
These kind of people just make you feel sick!!!cant they do something to slip some sense in their head like slap them or something!!or rather give them an ANTI -whatever injection!!!
These folks live around you and irritate people without any end to it!!!If you have the time and energy try slapping some sense on a couple of them...the rest ......GOD shall only save all of us from THEM!!!!
Or we can learn to ignore them!!
So all the jumpy,ones out there who still live in dark ages wake up....all of us are human beings we can sometimes be nice to each other...for a change....!!!!
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