Monday, May 07, 2007

my first poem...

u can call it a poem( nijamma!)........i wrote it in Tamil...when i was in school.............
those lines jus came to me...from somewhere...
put it down on a piece of paper....wrote using a pencil........
folded it....and kept it in one dark corner of my bag....!!

next day in school.....somehow happened to discuss it with a buddy in class......

don't exactly remember how it became popular n reached my Tamil teacher......
the very shy me...stood so embarrassed.....but my teacher n friends were so impressed that its still with print!!yes it was published in my school year book!! :)

My second poetry exercise !was when i had to write something for my brother..a class assignment.....
this one in was anti-malaria campaign in school!!wrote something and gave!!it was on the bulletin board..... :)!!!

i wrote stuff...somewhat similar but not quite close and intricate as a poem..when i had a stupid mood swing..!!.....

i donno how well i can write a poem....but the feeling you get when u write about something u feel for ..a belief......from your heart , does give immeasurable happiness...................immense sense of satisfaction.....!


cm chap said...

Hey landed n ur blog accidentally..good one..casual style of writing..

petitestylo said...


Unknown said...

i don't claim to be creative but i do understand the pleasure of creativity...

bless for your thoughts which triggered those words..

onwards & upwards... /Yuva