Saturday, May 06, 2006

Wrong or What!

what classifies what is right and what is wrong?.Rather who classifies what is right or wrong?.
One is entitled to have an opinion about anything in this world....its common that a trivial issue like for example what color to choose to paint your house will bring up an endless argument where there would be 101 points favoring a preferred color,but the other person might just not be convinced!

Its really wierd that even things you have belief in over a long period of time..suddenly seems to be wrong!it suddenly dawns one day that what was right is actually wrong!
you strongly believe in something...advocate that ....but the person on the other end might just not see what you want him to see because his vision,thinking portrays or rather has a different definition for "right or wrong".

i dont really know if there is a common line of thinking between two different individuals...
i ve personally had a lot of arguments with people where i ve had my opinion...n others have their own!

probably what matters the most is how well one can convince that what they think is right!
it ultimately boils down to one heard!be loud and clear!
the louder you are the more "correct" you are!
the feeble thoughts and voices however ethically right they are are NEVER HEARD!.

But one thing is definite for is the best judge of one's ownself!
you don't have to look around for a judge ,our own conscience is ideal enough to tell us the WRONG from the RIGHT!whatever that is!

1 comment:

Priya said...

life's all abt deciding wats wrong and wats right.. there's no unversal principle..but ur opinion defines u..
