Saturday, August 24, 2013

Living in a bubble

It s like living in a day its happy and the next half goes falling flat on the face!!!.
I know not whether it is the demands of life or its just one's weakness not to know how to be self sustained.
Though you brush aside all the super luxury that seems to have caught on everyone's fancy...and perhaps live  inside a bubble....the bubble gives away to all the noise outside.Its not a force field just a bubble :(.

Families go for dinner together ...everyone glued to their phones!couples (not the wierd ones who make you cringe) acting like they are in a business meeting.....i pay may be less that 0.5% attention to stuff about everydaythings when mom talks to me..!!!

Its like living inside a video game..(the bubble is now taking a back seat)....theres always something fabricated as IMPORTANT....but its nothing but a mere social/economical compliance.

Nope its not a call for theraphy...but sometimes too much chaos causes a pause in the frame and makes one wonder!!! whats going on .....

Its always self healing ( whoa man fancy !!! :P) that helps an aching heart and a confused mind....

Dedicted to all aching hearts and confused prayers to find the truth.....that which lies inside....may be the bubble !!!!u never know :)

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