Sunday, September 22, 2013

Finding those wings...and yeah taking off!!!

Enough has been said....written...everywhere about how the " everyday " perhaps kills you as a person and you turn in to a " kasu " machine....

All that guilt of losing self goes away when you swipe that card to buy something fancy and  sport it...(of course ensure that the brand name flashes...even if its a toddlers teenie weenie booties!!).

But then there is another side...which has slowly but steadily emerged is that brotherhood of folks who do things that means tons to them and who have no qualms about being " not the rat" the race.
I keep reading loads of stuff about people across social economic layers  who " just do it"..

They do start somewhere ...a tiny business idea...a generosity to help plant trees....grow organic food....educate kids...(not ur 1 2 ka 4 from your old text books...but lifes lessons)...showcase a hidden talent in some remote village...!!!.
Basically do stuff that never will fit in a box( for those who like " out of the box") your face those stupid society aunty uncles...who first put "sand" saying ..." ayyo  not an engineer....oh no H1B...!!..oh no big house no big car.." in so many peoples life's!!.

Though it seems to be  a very shallow and confused time...when people talk more on social networks than to their family,friend...anyone sitting right next to them at home! and truly like being popular and follow a herd...
Its those people who have created a world for themselves ..doing things they are passionate  about and not follow society's norms..that are my heroes.... :):):) u !!!and proud of you....!!
clicked this pic during one of my trips :):)


Anonymous said...

Very true.. Do Wat u love & Love Wat u do!! :)

Anonymous said...

Very true.. Do Wat u love and love Wat u do!! :) - Minnie

petitestylo said...

@ Minnie ---oh yes...thats my dream